A 2013 study by Vladimir Dinets, et al. in Ethology Ecology & Evolution describes how Indian crocodiles and North American alligators have been observed baiting nesting birds by placing sticks on their snouts. The behavior is only seen in places where and at times when the birds are collecting sticks for nest material. Savvy crocodylians!
It's nice to see some information about intelligence in reptiles. As social creatures, I think we are biased towards measuring intelligence in terms of social behaviors. But intelligence (at least of the problem solving variety) keeps popping up all over the animal kingdom. How encouraging.
Story by Darren Naish: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/tetrapod-zoology/2013/11/30/tool-use-in-crocs-and-gators/
Study: Dinets, V., Brueggen, J. C. & Brueggen, J. D. 2013. Crocodilians use tools for hunting.Ethology Ecology & Evolution in press doi.org/10.1080/03949370.2013.858276